Question What is the
definition of sakinah? I know when there is jazm on it or when we stop on stop
on some letter and drop its vowel but considering huroof mad in Quran there
are words like there is wow with nothing on it no vowel or jazm and preceding
it is a letter with dhamma or written on top of it is a letter with dhamma so
is this huroof mad then? Answer Assalaam
alaikum. Saakinah means
the absence of a vowel. Some
books in Urdu refer to the sukoon as “jazm” but this is not proper
terminology. Jazm is an Arabic
grammar term, and not all sukoons are from a jazm and not all jazm conditions
cause sukoons. When stopping
on a word ending in a medd letter, such as a
If the word we
are stopping on ends with the letter
The true letter
alif is always saakinah and is a medd letter; this is different than the
hamzah which sometimes sits on top of an alif.
The hamzah can sit on any of the three medd letters and can also sit on
a tooth, or not just be written without sitting on anything.
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