Question Assalam-u-Alaikum
I have some questions; I hope you can answer them.
1. In
Surah Hujurat, v.9, Allah, in the Holy Quran says:
A. Is there a Madd on
2. In part 1, p.52 of Tajweed Rules of the Qur’an, it says: “Mim Idgham is ‘Idgham Sagheer’ because the first letter is Sakin and the second letter has vowel.” Can we call Nun Idgham ‘Idgham Sagheer’ because in this situation Nun is Sakin and the next letter has vowel on it? Could you kindly give examples of Idgham Kabeer.
3. Can I confirm that the articulation points for Nun Iqlab and Mim Ikhfa are the same. For instance, in Nun Iqlab,we would: A. Replace Nun with Mim B. Pronounce Mim by closing the lips C. Nasalize the sound D. Open the lips by pronouncing Ba In Mim Ikhfa, we would carry out the above b – d steps. Is this correct? Look forward to hearing from you. Wassalam
Answer Wa alaikum assalaam wa rahmatullahi wa barakatuh,
1. If
you are are stopping on the word
2. Yes,
this would hold true for anytime there are two of the same letter, the first
saakin the second voweled; such as two noon or two ba’ or two laam (as
Idghaam kabeer is when both letters of the same kind are voweled, but there is an idgham. This does not occur often in the recitation of Hafs, but is very common in the way of As-Soosiyy ‘an Abi ‘Amr. Please see the link below for further explanation and examples of the few cases of idhgaam kabeer for Hafs ‘an ‘Aasim: http://www.abouttajweed.com/al-mutamaathilayn.htm .
3. Yes, the mechanisms of the iqlaab and ikhfaa’ shafawee are the same after the noon saakinah has changed into a meem and the steps b-d listed in the question are the same for both. Wa assalaam alaikum wa rahmatullah. |