Question Asalaam
u Alykum, I
wondered if there is any site from
which I can review the scripts of the 7 different qirats of the Quran. I am
very interested in studying the differences. May allah Bless this Kidmat you perform. Wasalam Answer Wa alaikum assalaam wa rahmatu Allahi wa barakatuh. The qira’aat today and the different ways in which they are written have enhancements not part of the ‘Uthmani copies of the Qur’an sent out to the various parts of the Muslim world. The ‘Uthmani copies sent out to the different areas of the Muslim world was free of dots and vowels. The dot and vowel systems were developed later as more non-Arabs entered Islam and needed to have the dots and vowels to read correctly. . The copies we have today are all copies from the ‘Uthmani musaahif, with the addition of the dots and vowels as well as other enhancements made by the scholars, such as aayah markers and stop indications. There are
different systems of dots in the copies of the Qur’an available today for a
few of the qira’aat. For example
the copy of the Qur’an used in Western Africa for the recitation of Warsh
which is prevalent there, has some variances in dots and the placement and
look of the vowels, as well as some of the words that are read differently in
the recitation of Warsh. The other
two types of copies of the Qur’an (besides Hafs) available today that are
for a different recitation are Qaloon and Duri Abee ‘Amr.
The following link has the Warsh script for surah Al-Falaq.
You may note the difference in the dot placement for the
One does not need a different copy of the mus-haf for each of the qira’aat to learn the other ways of recitation. If you learn the rules of each qira’ah and the special words that are pronounced differently, it is not necessary. As we mentioned earlier, there is not a copy of mus-haf available for each of the qira’aat today. We couldn't find many online samples of the different systems of dots and vowels for different qira'aat except for the Warsh mus-haf, as pictured above. Jazaka Allahu khairan and may Allah increase you in knowledge. Wa assalaam alaikum wa rahmatu Allah. |