Question As-salam 'alaykum
warahmatullah, 1. Learn the
different qira'ah on his own and 2. Learn all the modes of recitation of the
Qur’an at once and obtaining Ijaza in all, otherwise it’s going to take a
long time to learn and master all the qira'aat. Answer Wa alaikum
assalaam wa rahmatu Allahi wa barakatuh. The order
mentioned in the various answers to questions is the ideal way of going about
things and certainly the norm, but not an absolute must. After obtaining
an ijaazah in the memorized way of recitation, one then can proceed to the
study of the qira’aat (different ways of recitation). Studying the basic
rules for each qaari and his two raawee can be done in theory somewhat
independently, but a source of knowledge to ask questions to and be quizzed by
is very necessary to be sure the knowledge gained is correct.
The best way to do this is by studying, understanding and memorizing
the first 444 lines of the Shatibiyyah poem (
Once the first
part is complete in both memorization and understanding, one can start
practicing the recitation of each of the different qira’aat with a qualified
sheikh, slowly building up, and then learn how to recite them simultaneously.
This is called tareeq al-jam3, which is as requested in the question,
is reciting them all at the same time. The
memorization of the remainder of the Shaatibiyyah should be done ahead of your
recitation point. For example, most shuyookh require the chapter of the
Shaatibiyyah for Al-Baqarah to be complete before the ijaazah can begin. Memorizing the
Shatibiyyah poem has many great advantages; the main one is having the
information in your mind to refer to when in doubt of how a particular qaree
recites a certain word. If your
intention is to learn the ten qira’aat, then undertaking the smaller poem on
the three qira’aat,
Some obtain an
ijaazah in the seven qira’aat by the way of Ash-Shatibiyyah, and then later
complete the ten by reciting the three by the way of
We ask Allah to make the study of the qira’aat and obtaining an ijaazah in them easy for you and to grant you purity in intention. Wa
iyyakum wa-l-muslimeen |