Alhamduli Allah for your
site and your help! and may Allah reward you! There is al Ikhfa
ash-shafawee (
for the letter meem and there is the Ikhfa for the noon which has
you explained is called:
- What I
am wondering is how to pronounce this last word: is it in transliteration:
haqeeqeeyaa? And also would it be incorrect to call it Ikhfa Haqeeqee?
Jazakum Allahu khairan
for your comments and dua’.
The last of the two
words should be
, with an additional
ya’ with a shaddah on it at the end. May
Allah reward you for pointing out a typing mistake.
This word is written with a tanween fat-h when grammar calls for it to
have a fat-h. The transliteration
for this when stopping on the word would be: haqeeqiyyaa.
The correct way of writing the two words in the question then is:
The second word can also be written and stated as:
, (haqeeqee) and either
one used when referring to this rule in English is acceptable.
If however, you are speaking in Arabic, the correct ending should be
applied according to the grammatical placement of the phrase.