Assalamu aleikum
My interests reside in the recitation of Khalaf. I would like to know
whether there is a rule that requires a sakt (breathless pause) after each
of the long vowel (aa-uu-ii) in Arabic in the recitation of Khalaf.
As an example, I heard a qari recite surat Qaf verse 6 such as: "Afalam
yanDhuruuuuuu (6 vowel count + sakt) ila-s-samaaaaaa (6 vowel count + sakt)
i fawqahum...."
I also heard another recite surat Al Balad verse 1 as follow: "Laaaaaa (6
vowel count + sakt) uqsimu bi hadhal balad"
Jazaku lahi khairan wa salamu alaikum
Wa alaikum assalaam wa rahmatullahi wa
In the popularly read and listened to way
of Khalaf, there is no
a medd letter followed by a hamzah. There is however, the kind of
described in the
question in tareeq At-Tayyibah, the authentic ways of recitation found
outlined in An-Nashr fi-l-qira’aat al-‘Ashr by Imam Ibn Al-Jazaree.
Wa iyyaakum wa alaikum assalaam wa
rahmatullahi wa barakatuh.