I have noticed some of the accomplished Qaris sometimes recite few ayahs with
really heavy (low frequency) sound. Is this one of the ways Hafs 'an 'Asim or
other pioneers of Tajweed recited, or is this modern Qaris' performance of
their great skills? Also, can this skill (changing the voice) be developed or
one has to be born with? Thank you for teaching us the greatest science of
all, the science of Qur'an.
Wa alaikum assalaam wa
rahmatu-llahi wa barakatuhu.
The Prophet,
, ordered us to beautify the
Qur’an with our voices, so surely the intonation you are referring to is an
attempt to do that. We prefer to
stick with your analysis, that it is “modern
Qaris' performance of their great skills” since there is no indication that
there was transmission of this method of beautifying from the Prophet,
The skill is part
inherent as to how deep your voice can go, and part developed. Our
suggestion is to make dua’ that Allah give you the ability to recite the
Qur’an in the way that is pleasing to Him instead of trying to imitate a
particular qaari’.
few words of importance:
It is not proper to change the tone of your voice during a lengthening
Some mistakenly think this is part of beautifying, but it is not.
When beautifying the Qur’an with our voices, we should be sure that
we aren’t losing the articulation points and characteristics of the letters
in the process.
Moving the body and head while reciting are not part of beautifying the
Qur’an and more importantly, not part of the sunnah.
Verily the Prophet,
, warned about going
overboard in the recitation of the Qur’an.
In a hadeeth related by Al-Imaam Maalik, An-Nisaa’ee Al-Bayhaqee, and
At-Tabaraanee, he said,
, “Recite the Qur'an with
the tone of the Arabs and their sound, and beware of the tone of those that
are wicked and those that do major sins, for verily there will come groups
after me that repeat the Qur’an as the repeating of songs, monasticism, and
wailing; it does not go beyond their throats, their hearts are spellbound, as
well as the hearts of those that like their matter.”
you are welcome. May Allah make us all of the best of the Prophet's nation,
those who learn the Qur'an and teach it.