Jazaakumu Allahu khair
for your site. I have a question about listening to recordings of the
recitation along with my reading to check my tajweed. I find that
sometimes the lengthenings are different lengths than what I have learned;
it seems that some of the 4 or 5 count lengthenings (mudood) are
made about 2 counts. Could you please explain this difference?
Assalaamu alaikum.
iyyakum. It seems you are
listening to an accomplished reader who is reading the allowed lengthening
with two vowel
counts. This recitation is Hafs
‘an Aasim but not by the way of Shatibiyyah, instead it is one of around 50
ways of what is called “tareeq at-tayyibah”.
In this one way, the
or allowed
separated lengthening (the medd letter is the last letter of one word, and the
first letter of the next word is a hamzah) gets two vowel counts, but the
required joined medd (the medd letter and the following hamzah are within one
word) receives four vowel counts. Only those that know the full rules and complete way of
reading this way can decrease the allowed lengthening to two vowel counts.
Wa alaikum assalaam