Question Assalamu alaikum wa rahmatullahi I have 2 questions 1. I always thought the letter laam was pronounced with the tip of the tongue, but found lately after reading a book by Dr. Yahyah Alghouthani and speaking to other shuyukh that the "laam" like the "dhaad" is pronounced from the side of the tongue to the tip either from left side or right side. Can u give some clarity on this? 2. What is meant by "itbaaq ashafatayn"when pronouncing the "ikhfa shafawi" and "iqlaab" shukran Answer Wa alaikum assalaam wa rahmatullahi wa barakatuh.
The articulation point of the
On the site here, the definition
for the articulation point of the
It is articulated from the anterior one third of the sides of the tongue until the sides end at the tip, and what lies opposite to them of the gums of the two top front incisors, the two top lateral incisors, the two top canines, and the two top premolars.
Imam Ibn Al-Jazaree very
accurately described the articulation point of both the
In it he said:
And the Dhaad from its side [tongue’s side] when it is close-/to the molars from its left or right [of the side of tongue] And the Laam, its lowest [side of the tongue] until it ends [at the tip]. Sheikhah Rehab Shaqaqi under the supervision of Ash-Sheikh Dr. Ayman Swayd has recently written/compiled and published a book on tajweed. Included in it are the drawings for articulation points used in Sheikh Ayman’s program on the Iqra’ channel. The drawings and explanations (in Arabic) are very useful, insha’ Allah. The name of the book is: Hilyatu At-Tilaawah fee Tajweed Al-Qur’an Al-Kareem.
2. Itbaaq as-shafatayn means closing them together, as we do with the meem. Afwan. Wa assalaam alaikum. |