am wondering about these two different ways, apparently, of writing the
name of the Prophet Ilyas (peace be upon him)... by the English under it it
would seem to be the same word but spelt very differently in the Great Qur'an.
Jazakumu Allahu khairan

verily, Iliyâs (Elias) was one of the Messengers.

(peace) be upon Ilyâsîn (Elias)!"
iyyakum wa-lmuslimeen.
are two ways of reading the second of the two aayaat.
Please notice that there is separation in the writing between the first
two letters
the second part
. Hafs ‘an
‘Aasim reads it with a kasrah
on the hamzah, but three others, namely Naaf’, ibn ‘Aamir, and Ya’qoob
read the first part as
, meaning
family. This leads to different
but all encompassing meanings, which one of the beauties of the different
qira’aat. Since the qira’aat
are all transmitted to us from the Prophet,
, they help give deeper
understanding of the Qur’an. The recitation
the way certain names are pronounced in the “language” of the people of
Bani Asad. Just as they pronounce
and read the name
the wow at the beginning) as
The “weight” of both differences in both names are the same in the
Arabic language. Those that read
it this way consider
one word.
reading of aayah 130 as
the meaning of the family of Yaseen (he and those who followed him), which in
the tafseer of Ibn Katheer is stated to be another name for Ilyaas, who is
also thought to be the same as Idrees; or as the tafseer also states that the
father of Ilyaas was Yaseen, so that the family of Yaseen includes the father.
Those that read it this way
consider the
be one word and
to be another word.
note for added interest: Ibn Thakwaan reads the name in aayah 123 as:
a hamzah wasl and laam of the definite article “the” at the beginning,
meaning the name is
, and before it is “the”.
All of these are different ways of saying the same name.
Allah knows best.
Allahu khairan for the good question.