Assalamu aleikum
Answer Wa alaikum assalaam wa rahmatullahi wa barakatuh, First of all, this is not an unusual occurrence as the poems are in Arabic and sometimes the words used are words not commonly known to non-Arabs, or even the Arabs. The learning poems are all meant to be studied under a teacher who has studied it and received a certificate in its understanding and memorization and has been given permission to teach it to others (ijaazah), and it is quite difficult to undertaken the study of the learning poems on your own. The Shatibiyyah poem relates to the seven qira’aat, and should be studied with a sheikh/sheikhah to understand the meaning and then memorized. It takes time to understand the meaning for some of the learning poems, and the Shatibiyyah has some advanced language usage that many Arabs cannot understand without studying the meaning with a sheikh/sheikhah.
We suggest you start with the tajweed poem by Imam Al-Jazaree
It is much shorter than Ash-Shatibiyyah poem and covers all the needed topics of tajweed. You will also need a teacher to explain its meaning, but it is much easier to understand than the Shatibiyyah poem, especially if you have studied the basics of tajweed. We ask Allah to make easy for you the knowledge and application of tajweed of the Qur’an. Wa iyaakum. Wa assalaam alaikum wa rahmatullahi wa barakatuh. |