Assalamu alaikum,
Is it permissible to
recite the prayer (the parts that are not Quran) with tajweed? For example "subhaanak
Allahumma" with qalqalah of the baa and holding the meem with ghunnah and so
on, or is this an innovation?
Can the khutbat ul
jumuah be read with tajweed?
Was salamu alaikum
Wa alaikum assalaam wa
rahmatullahi wa barakatuh.
The Arabs at the time
of the Prophet Muhammed,
used to speak
for the most part, with what is now known as tajweed. Qalqalah of the
saakin letters of qalqalah was always in their speech, tafkheem of the
letters of tafkheem was done, the ghunan (plural of ghunnah) of the noon and
meem were held, but not as long as in Qur’an recitation. It is certainly
proper to use these rules in our speech if we want to speak in full
classical Arabic. It cannot be classified as an innovation since the speech
of the Arabs at the time of the revelation for the most part, was with what
is known now as tajweed-with some timings being less than in Qur’an
Please also see the
following question and answer:
Wa assalaam alaikum wa
rahmatullahi wa barakatuh.