Question Assalamou
Aleikum, Thanks
for replying to my questions. And you were right, I did not mean
"professional" as someone who makes a living off of the recitation,
but rather as someone whose knowledge is more advanced in the matter of
correctly reading and respecting the rules of recitation such as a teacher. I
have a few questions regarding certain letters appearing in the Qur’an. 1.
- In Surah 21 (Al-Anbiyaa’)-verse 105 for example, there is a small letter
miim above the nuun in "...min b'adi..." I would like to know
whether we have to pronounce "min" therefore ignoring the small miim,
or "minm".
- In the same Surah (21) in verse 88, there is also a small nuun in
" wa kathaa lika nuu djii.." Do we have to ignore it (the small nuun) or
pronounce it so that it becomes "nuun djii"? 2.
I would also like to know whether these small letters that appear in
Surah 25 verses 65, 68, and 70 (they look like saad and laam (verse 65), jiim
(verse 68), and qaaf and laam (verse 70)) have a particular role and meaning
in reading the Quran. 3.
Do you know a website where I can find some Islamic cassettes (audio and
possibly VHS) of Sheikh Mustafa Ismail? Thank
you very much and may Allah help you in finding the answers to those questions
inshallah. Ma
Salam Wa
alaikum assalaam wa rahmatu Allahi wa barakatuh, You are most welcome and may Allah reward you. 1.
A small
All the symbols
following link explains the meaning of each symbol in more detail: www.abouttajweed.com/080602.htm
. May
Allah increase you in knowledge and assist you in all khair. Wa
assalaam alaikum wa rahmatu Allahi wa barakatuh |