Question Assalamu-alaikum
wa rahmatullahi, May Allah reward you for providing this valuable resource. My
question is concerning the degree of Hams in the Ta, Kaf and Daal when not
saakin (Hafs-bin-Asim min tarikatil Shaatibee). I have heard that when these
letters are not saakin there is no hams at all. This is difficult and requires
the tongue to move back to eliminate the hams when the letter is mutaharik and
changes the pronunciation of these letters. However
I have also heard and believe is the correct view, that the Hams is present in
all forms of the letter, but strongest when saakin. Do you know what is the correct amount of Hams for these letters? I would be grateful if you could indicate the source of your opinion since both opinions I have mentioned are from people with Ijaaza with short sanads from eminent scholars, so as a humble student with no such background it is difficult to know what to follow. Jazakallah
khayran Wa alaikum
assalaam wa rahmatu Allahi wa barakatuh. Jazakum Allahu khairan for the dua’. The
characteristics such as
characteristic of
students of the Qur’an, use the teeth instead of the gum line of the two
front top incisors with the letter
A similar
mistake can be made with the letter
If you need a
reference, even though there is no difference of opinion among the scholars that
the inherent characteristics never leave the letter, the book
Meaning: …and the second like the “hams” and “jahr” and their likenesses from all of the required characteristics of the letter in all cases, whether is was saakin or voweled with any kind of vowel. Wa iyaakum wa-l-muslimeen Wa assalaam
alaikum |