Question bismillahi
rahmani rahim- Answer Wa alaikum assalaam wa rahmatullahi wa barakatuh. We definitely
recommend a group for learning tajweed over individual lessons.
In addition to being corrected on your recitation, you have the
opportunity to listen to corrections others students are given by the teacher.
If you keep keen attention when others read and the corrections of the
teacher, it helps develop your ear for picking out mistakes and understanding
how to correct them. Usually the
best students are those who pay attention to all the corrections and learn
from them. You also have the
advantage of hearing the Qur’an recited many times, so if you are
memorizing, it strengthens your memorization, if you are reading from the copy
of the Qur’an itself, you also gain knowledge. We have not heard Sheikh Al-Efasy outside of a few times, but can confirm that Sheikh Al-Husary is an excellent source to listen to for learning correct recitation. In part of a
previous question we stated the following: The surah names were added to
the copies of the mus-haf during or after the third century hijarah at
the same time they added markers for the end of aayaat as well as the aayaat
numbers, so they were not in the 'Uthmanee copy of the mus-haf (see
mabaaHith fee 3uloom al-Qur'an by Al-Ustaath Mannaa3 al-QaTTaan p. 152). http://www.abouttajweed.com/231002.htm
You may note
then that the aayaat numbers were not part of the written Qur’an until
later years and the number of aayaat is not considered an immutable matter,
and is not part of the ‘Uthmani mushaf.
The aayah markers are enhancements of the written Qur’an added in the
third century hijarah. The
Jazakum Allahu khairan for the questions and may Allah make easy for your the proper knowledge and application of tajweed in the recitation of the Qur'an. Wa alaikum assalaam wa rahmatullahi wa barakatuh. |