Question Assalamou alaikoum. I just had one
question….for the noon sakinah and tanween ikhfaa rule, does the “noon”
sound come out or there should be only ghunnah? In the explanation it says
that the tongue should be close to the articulation point of the next letter,
but sometimes even when doing that, some “noon” sound comes out (and not
just ghunnah), would that be wrong? Thanks a lot
for your help. Answer Wa alaikum
assalaam wa rahmatu Allahi wa barakatuh, Jazakum Allahu
khairan for you kind words and we pray that you continue to learn and benefit
from this site. The definition
of al-ikhfa’ is: The pronunciation of a non-voweled letter stripped of
any shaddah, characterized somewhere between an
The letter
A common
mistake made by some students of the Qur’an when trying to hide the
The following
is an example of the correct sounding ikhfa’.
Please click here
to listen to it. You are most
welcome. |