Question Assalamu
Aleikum Answer Wa alaikum assalaam wa rahmatu Allahi wa barakatuh. May Allah be merciful to you also. 1.
Qaloon is not so very different from Hafs, although there are some
basic differences. Qaloon has
special rules for two hamzahs next to each other either within one word or
between two words where one of the two hamzah changes either by
There are many Muslim women who have memorized the complete Qur’an,
at the top of the list are Aisha bint Abu Bakr and Hafsa bint ‘Umar, may
Allah be pleased with them, two of the wives of the Prophet,
In modern times there are many Muslim women who have memorized, teach, and have ijaazah in the Glorious Qur’an. 3. There are
some who complete the memorization in less than a year, others take several
years. The memorization of new parts of the Qur’an must be accompanied by
review of the parts already memorized. This
is not to say that it all cannot take place within a year, it certainly can,
but memorization and review need to go hand in hand for mastery.
A six month intensive review of five ajzaa’ a day after
completion of the memorization, is the best way for mastery of the Qur’an. |