was a question dated 15th Jamad Ath-Thanee/Sept. 3rd in which you
explain about the word
". I noticed another
word in surah Al-Insaan ayah 4, the word "
" that looks similar to
" in that it also has a small
circle over the alif. Does it follow the same rule as the word "
" then?
and no.The word is
the same as in
that the alif on the end of the word is not pronounced when continuing in
reading.When stopping on the
word Hafs
‘an Aasim by the way of Shatibiyyah has two allowed ways.One of these ways is establishing the alif when stopping, meaning
stopping with two vowel counts on the alif; the other is removal of the alif
(in pronunciation only) when stopping, meaning the
a sukoon and the alif is dropped.