Assalamu aleikum wa rahmatu lilahi
wa barakatuh
I have a couple of questions regarding a few rules of the recitation of Ad
Duri from Kesai. I was listening to surah Al Balad and Al Ghashiyyah by the
way of Ad Duri from Kesai (
the reciter was Abdur Rasheed Soofi) and I noticed that
when there is a word ending with a "Taa marbootah" such as the word "Masfuufah"
(surah 88 verse 15), the reciter recited as "Masfuufe" except for the word "khaashi'a"
(surah 88 verse 2) which he read as "khaashi'ah"
A. What is the name of this way of stopping with name ending in "taa
Secondly, in the same surah (88 verse 23) the reciter read with an imalah
the word "tawala". However that imalah sounded different from the other
imalah I know
such as in Warsh.
B. What is the name of the imalah used in the recitation of Ad Duri from
Jazakumullahu Khairan. Wa Salamu aleikum wa rahmatulilahi wa
Wa alaikum assalaam wa rahmatullahi wa
The reading of
has imaalah on
and the letter
preceding when stopping on the word, except in the case of an alif preceding
. There
is no imaalah on the
stopping on a word if preceded by an alif.
There are some letters or letter
combinations though that have two allowable ways of reading the female
, one with imaalah,
the other without. These letters are those in the group of words:
Also, if the letters in the word
the female
have a
or dhammah, then
there are two allowed ways of reading them with the
, with
imaalah and without. If the letters in the word
, precede
and the
letters are preceded by a kasrah or a
saakinah, then they have compulsory imaalah along with the
stopping on the word.
In the words
in surah Al-Ghaashiyah,
the female
is preceded
by the letter
is one of the letters in the group of
Therefore there are two allowable ways of reading the
stopping on it, with or without imaalah. The reciter in this case read
these words the way that does not allow the imaalah in this letter
reads with
grand imaalah, which is 50% alif and 50%
Warsh reads
(other than one or two exceptions) with the minor imaalah, also called
, which is 75% alif
and only 25%
Please also see:
Wa iyaaakum wa-l-muslimeeen. Wa
assalaam alaikum wa rahmatullahi wa barakatuh.