Aleikum wa rahmatu lilahi wa barakatuh
1) One of the rules of the tajweed when stopping on a word is the apply a
sukoon on the last letter. However, I would like to know if it exists a way of
reading (or a tajweed rule) that stops on a word by keeping the vowel on the
letter. For example Surat Al Fātiha verse 1: instead of reading: "Al
Hamdu lilāhi rabbil 'ālamīn" (with a sukoon on the letter noon when
stopping) it is read "Al hamdu lilāhi rabbil 'ālamīna"
(by keeping the fatha instead of the sukoon when stopping on the word).
2) Is it allowed to "take breath" when reading the Qur'an? I
sometimes seem to detect, when I listen to the old qaris, a take of breath
(usually with the letter "haa"). Is it allowed to do that?
May Allah be pleased with the wonderful work you are doing inshallah
Wa salamu alaikum
Wa alaikum
assalaam wa rahmatu Allahi wa barakatuh.
There is a way of stopping that keeps part of the vowel on the last
letter, but this does not happen with a fat-hah, only with a permanent dhammah
or kasrah. This is called
, you can read more about this in the
following lesson:
You need to scroll down for the lesson on
We arent sure of the meaning of the question, maybe because we have
not heard this before. We cannot
take a breath in the middle of the word nor while pronounces a letter, and
when we do take a breath at the end of a word, we must stop while doing so.
Allahu khairan for the dua', and Ameen.
assalaam alaikum wa rahmatu Allah.