Question Assalamu alaikum, With
reference to the word "ta'mannaa" in Surah Yusuf I see from your
site that there are two ways of reciting this in the way of Shaatibiyah -
ishmaam and ikhtilaas. I
have always been taught that the two ways are in fact ishmaam and rawm. I have
checked in my musshaf ul qiraa'aat and it states this, I have also perused the
Baab Idghaam al-Kabeer in an-Nashr and it seems also to state ishmaam and rawm.
Would you kindly clarify this for me? Which are the correct ways? Answer Wa
alaikum assalaam wa rahmatu Allahi wa barakatuh, There
are some terms that are interchanged in the old tajweed books, and the
application of them passed down in authentic chains explain which term is
actually meant. There are three
terms interchanged in An-Nashr, as well as the Shatibiyyah poem, sometimes
meaning one thing, sometimes meaning another.
They are:
first clarification to make is that
Ash-Shatibiyyah, Imam Ash-Shatibiyy said: Imam
Ash-Shaatibiyy chose the verb “hide” which
summary then, the three terms are interchanged in early tajweed and recitation
works, and the explanation of these works, which is done by those that have
recited in authentic chains of transmission, are what informs us as to how to
apply the specific term. The use
of the term