Rahmaani Raheem.
Alaikum wa Rahmatulaahi wa barakatuhu.
To recite the Qur’aan
in a melodious tone is commanded by Allah in surah al-Muzzamil, Alhamdullileh,
most of us try our best. We also know from hadith that singing the Qur'aan
is haram. Where do we draw the line between the two and how can I advise
my Muslim sister whom I think is singing her recitation (not following tajweed
May Allah reward you.
Wa alaikum assalaam wa
rahmatu Allahi wa barakatuh.
The order in surah Al-Muzzamil,
for the Prophet,
, and therefore the Muslims
to recite the Qur’an with tajweed of the letters and observing the proper
stops, according to most scholars of tajweed.
Others add that it means reading letter by letter, slowly, separating
each letter from the other. The
same hadeeth that warns against reading the Qur’an by “singing” it, also
orders us to recite the Qur’an with the tone of the Arabs and their sounds.
Note: This hadeeth is rated as weak by Sheikh Albani, may Allah be
merciful to him.
Sheikh Mahmood Khaleel
Al-Husaree, in his book, Ahkaam Qiraa’ti Al-Qur’aan Al-Kareem, commented
further on this hadeeth, and stated, “what is meant by the recitation of
those that are lewd and those that do major sins is: The recitation that
observes in it the melodies of music, singing, and tunes.”
Sheikh Al-Husraree
continued that the warning from the Prophet,
, was because this matter was
an means or pretext to play with the Book of Allah, the Exalted, by increasing
or decreasing what is in it; either by increasing a medd (lengthening) more
than its decided timing, or shortening it to less than it should be.
Exaggeration in the nasalation (ghunnah) can occur when the Qur’an is
recited like “music” or it
may be shortened; an alif may come out of what was only a fat-h, or a ya’
from a kasrah, or a wow from a dhammah. Any
of these and similar mistakes comes from recitation with melodies and musical
tunes and cause deviation from sincerity in recitation and take one away from
correctness in tilaawah. This is
the reason for these type of tones to be forbidden in Islamic Sharee’ah.
From Sheikh Husaree’s
comments, we can see that the most important thing in our recitation is
observing the tajweed rules, especially the articulation of the letters and
the proper timings for vowels and lengthenings.
If one starts trying to overdo the recitation to the degree that it
becomes “songlike”, the first thing that goes is usually the correct
timings of the mudood (lengthenings), ghunnahs, and the actual make up the
letters may be affected.
The Muslim, and this
applies even more for the non-Arab, first needs to work on the pronunciation
of the letters while applying their characteristics, then learning the
different rules that should be applied when reciting, such as the
rules and the mudood. This
requires reciting to a qualified teacher who can pass on the Qur’an as they
have learned from their qualified teacher and correct the student’s mistakes
when they recite. After achieving excellence in these different areas, the
student of the Qur’an can work harder on beautifying their voice with the
tone of the Arabs, being very careful not to exaggerate or diminish in the
May Allah reward you and
all Muslims with khair.