Assalam 'alaikum waa rahmatullahi wa
'When discussing the articulation points of the sin, zai, sad and tha, dhal,
Dha you mentioned plates of the teeth and you explained that to be the long
axis of the tooth, and in this case, the long axis that is on the internal
side, rather than the external side of the teeth. Regrettably, I fail to
understand due to my lack of knowledge. Therefore, would you be kind enough
to explain to me what are the plates of the teeth in detail, as well as the
difference between the plates of the teeth and the edges of the teeth?
wassalamua 'alaikum wa rahmatullahi wa barakatuh.
Wa alaikum assalaam wa rahmatullahi wa
The plates are the front and back part of
the tooth that is visible, i.e., the front and back of the tooth itself that
is sticking out of the gum.
The edges of the teeth are the ends of
the teeth that are furthest from the gums. Please refer to the black arrows
in the picture below, and ignore the extra plain lines that can be seen.

Insha’ Allah this helps you.
Wa assalaam alaikum wa rahmatullahi wa