Assalamu aleikum wa rahmatu lilahi wa barakatuh
May Allah accept our prayers, good deeds, and duas we all did doing during
Ramadan (Amin).
I know that the recitation of Khalaf hamza is very noticeable due to its
sakt (breathless pause). I have been listening to quite a few recitors who I
think recited in the way of Khalaf hamzah but who used different rules of
tajweed related to the recitation (from what I usually listen to of Khalaf
For example those recitors would lenghten to six counts a madd al jaa iz
munfasil or madd al waajib muttasil and then add a sakt to them and
continue. Moreover in the same recitation (if this is Khalaf hamzah) they
would stop with an imaalah kubrah on the letter "Taa Marboutah" (just like
the riwayyah of Ad Duri from Kisai) if there is one in the ayah they are
reading. Here is a concrete example.
Surah Hijr verse 85: the recitor was reading as follow:
"wa maa khalaqnaa Samawati wal (sakt) arda wa maa baynahumaa (six counts +
sakt) illa bil haq. Wa innas saa 'ata la aatiye (imaalah kubrah)"
Another example in Surah Al Israa verse 7. Another recitor was reciting as
"in (sakt) ahsantum (sakt) ah santum li anfusikum. Wa in (sakt) asa' tum
falahaa. Fa izhaa dje (six counts + imaalah kubrah + sakt) a wa'dul (sakt)
aa khirati li a suu (six counts + sakt) u wujuu hakum .... kamaa dakhaluuhu
awal marreh (the recitor also stopped on the word "marr ah" with an imaalah
kubrah just like Aduri from Al Kisai).
My questions are:
A) Is this the recitation of Khalaf hamzah to lenghthen six counts and then
add a sakt (breathless pause) to every madd waa jib muttasil and madd al
jaaiz munfasil?
B) Is this also the characteristics of khalaf hamza when stopping on a word
with "taa marbuutah" to stop with imaalah kubrah as the recitation of Ad
Duri by Al kisai does?
I hope I was not confusing in my questions and explanation. May Allah grant
you facility in answering. And may He give you all the tools to enlighten
the Muslim community that writes you on a daily basis with the rules of
Tajweed and the seven qiraah (Amin)
Wa Salamu aleikum wa rahmatulilahi wa barakatuh
Wa alaikum assalaam wa rahmatullahi wa barakatuh,
Ameen to all your dua’.
What you were listening to most likely is the
recitation of Hamzah, but not from tareeq Ash-Shaatibiyyah (the most common
way that is read) but by the way of Tayyibat-il An-Nashr, or from the grand
10 ways of recitation. In Tareeq At-Tayyibah, there are ways Hamzah have a
the medd, before the hamzah that caused the medd.
Also in Tareeq At-Tayyibah for Khalaf ‘an Hamzah,
there are ways that have imaalah of the
Jazakum Allahu khairan. Wa assalaam alaikum wa
rahmatullahi wa barakatuh.