Asalaamu alaikum
I am writing because a have a dilemma concerning tajweed.
I have been taught by a few scholars about the letters of qalqalah.
I have been taught that if they are joined after another letter, the result is
a echoing sound. I just started lesson by another khalifah and he says that
the letters of qalqalah does not exist.
It would be a great help to me if you could pass on this email to one of the
khalifahs who could possibly answer my question.
ps . could you pls give me the references
Wa alaikum assalaam wa
rahmatu Allahi wa barakatuh.
The letters of qalqalah
are the following five letters:
When any of these five letters have a sukoon on them (no vowel), they
are emitted by a separation of the two parts of the articulation point,
without any jaw or mouth movement accompanying them.
The linguistic definition of the qalqalah is “disturbance”.
The qalqalah is considered to be not completely saakin and not
completely like a voweled letter, but instead is a state in between, and hence
the “disturbance.” The
qalqalah occurs on these five letters when they have no vowel if they are in
between other letters or are the last letter of the phrase being recited.
The sound of the qalqalah, though is stronger when the letter of
qalqalah is the last letter of the phrase and we are stopping on that letter.
The word “khalifah”
in Arabic means successor or caliph, it may that you mean sheikh or professor
of tajweed.
The principle of the
qalqalah can be found in almost all tajweed books.
We can refer you to the Imam Al-Jazaree and his poem about the basics
of tajweed, in it he said:
, which means,
the letters "quTub jad" have qalqalah.
The qalqalah was covered
in previous tidbit lessons on this site.
Please click here
to read these lessons.