Assalamu aleikum
May Allah increase our love and knowledge for the Quran inshallah.
In surah As Saff verse 6, there is the the noun "Yaa banii israa il". In the
recitation of Hafs but not in the way of ash shattibiyyah, the noun "Banii"
is lengthened 2 counts while "Israa’eel" is 4 if I am correct. This is only
one example among the many in the Qur’an.
I have notice that many reciters who read in Hafs (not in the way of Ash-Shattibiyyah)
know when and where to use the according mudood in this type of situation
without even having the Qur’an open in front of them.
1) Therefore I would like to know if there is a list of these nouns and
verbs (such as in the above example) or rule that will allow the reader to
know that when reading in Hafs (not in Ash Shattibbiyyah's way) he/she needs
to lengthen to 2 counts "banii" and then 4 counts "Israa’eel"?
2) If not, does the reader need to master the entire Quran and then
carefully study the places where these different hamzah occur so that he/she
will not make any mudood mistake?
May Allah increase our knowledge and love for the Quran inshallah.
Jazakullahi khraian.
Ma'a salam
Wa alaikum assalaam wa
rahmatullahi wa barakatuh. Ameen to your dua’.
In tareeq at-tayyibah
there are different allowed lengths for
and the number of vowel counts allowed for each depends on the tareeq. One
commonly read tareeq is two vowel counts for
four vowel counts for
As a quick review,
when there is a medd letter at the end of a word, and a hamzah as the
first letter of the next word.
when there is a medd letter followed by a hamzah in the same
In the sample cited in
the question:
we have
examples of both
The word
ends with a lengthened
at the beginning
is not part of the word and is used for calling someone or a group] , and the first
letter of the next word
is a hamzah, so we have the conditions for
which would be lengthened two vowel counts if we are reading the tareeq that
has two vowel counts for this medd. In the next word,
there is an alif
(after the
) followed
by a hamzah, and this occurs in one word, so the medd is then
would be lengthened four vowel counts in this tareeq.
The reader
needs to differentiate between a medd letter and hamzah in one word and a
medd letter and hamzah between two words to know when the medd is two vowel
counts and when it is four in this tareeq. If one can differentiate between
two words, then he/she will be able to know whether the lengthening is
There are a
few words that are written together, but are actually two different words.
An example of this is the combination:
There are two words, but they are written joined. The first word is
and the second word consists of the letters written as:
. In this word
combination we have both
This is because first we have a medd letter (the alif) at the end of a word
and the first letter of the next word
a hamzah, so this medd would be
. The second word,
an alif followed by a hamzah in the same word, and this lengthening (medd)
would be
. When reading the tareeq that has two vowel counts for
four vowel counts for
there would be then a two vowel count lengthening on the alif of
four vowel counts for the alif of
For more information on
these two different lengthenings, please see the following links:'iz.htm
May Allah reward you as
Wa assalaam alaikum wa