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Question Alsalam Alaykum, Answer Wa alaikum assalaam wa
rahmatu Allahi wa barakatuh. The late Sheikh Abdullah
Khayyat, rahimahu Allah, read with hadr.
You can listen to his recitation at: http://www.islamway.com/sindex.php?section=chapters&recitor_id=32&poll=10 Each
sheikh may record one khatmah at one speed and another at a different speed.
Usually, if the recording is of taraweeh prayers, the speed is either
tadweer or sometimes even hadr, if it is recorded in a studio, usually, but
not always they read with tahqeeq. We
would have to listen to each example and judge from the specific recording.
We could not find Sheikh Abdullah Khayyat’s recitation in a CD for sale online, and do not know if his recitation is available on CD, but it is available in the Middle East on cassette tape. Wa
iyyaakum. Wa assalaam alaikum wa rahmatu Allahi wa barakatuh. |