wa rahmatullahi wa barakaatuh
Insha Allah, Antum bi khayrilllah.
I’m am very happy to see that people are very interested in trying to recite
the Qur'an with proper pronunciation to limit their errors; it is a very noble
My question; I have been studying tajweed for many years and I have a query
regarding other parts of the face and not of the mouth.
I have found many people reciting Qur'an with very good tajweed however they
are uncontrollably moving their eye brows ( i.e. the muscles above the eyes)
is this a error in the recitation and only the mouth parts should move and not
other parts of the face?
Many Sheikhs
have said this is a mistake in Qiraah while others have said that it is
permissible. I would like your opinion on this or even proofs of either
way being correct.
Wassalamualaikum warahmatullah.
Wa alaikum
assalaam wa rahmatu Allahi wa barakatuh. Jazakum Allahu khairan, just
witnessing and fasting another Ramadhaan is a great ni’mah.
May Allah bless all the Muslims and accept our fasting and righteous
The excessive
movements of the face that you are referring to is called
Arabic. It
is something we have been taught to be incorrect and some of the great
scholars have warned against this. Since
no letters are pronounced from the eyebrows, or by moving the mouth to the
side, there is no need for it in recitation.
Imam Ibn Al-Jazaree said in his poem about tajweed:
without exaggerating
with gentleness in pronunciation with no abuse
the explanation of this line the
Sheikh Dr. Ayman Swayd, in his verification of the explanation of Al-Jazariyyah
by Sheikh Zakariyya Al-Ansaari, specifically mentioned that students should be
corrected when they move around or use their eyebrows or close their eyes with
pronouncing certain letters since the articulation points of these letters
have nothing to do with the eyes and eyebrows.
our experience in teaching this must be corrected immediately with beginning
students or it is very hard to change later.
Allah guide all Muslims to the proper recitation of the Qur'an without
alaikum assalaam wa rahmatu Allahi wa barakatuh.