Question ASSALAMUALAIKUM, 1) I WOULD LIKE TO KNOW WHAT IS THE DIFFERENCE BETWEEN QALQALAH KUBRO AND QALQALAH SUGHRA? 2) WHAT IS THE DEFINITION OF LIEN (MADD LIN) AND WHAT IS IT? 3) NUN SAKINAH WHEN MEET WITH HURUF HIJAIYAH IS DIVIDED BY FIVE TERMS. COULD YOU GIVE EACH OF THE FIVE TERMS AND ITS EXAMPLE. HUKUM : CONTOH : COULD YOU ENLIGHTEN ME WITH THESE QUESTIONS WHICH I DO UNDERSTAND MUCH. THANK YOU, Answer Wa alaikum assalaam wa rahmatullahi wa barakatuh, 1. The qalqalah kubraa is when the qalqalah is on the end of a word and we are stopping on the word. The qalqalah sughraa is when the saakin letter of qalqalah is in the middle of a word, or the end of word, but we are not stopping on the word. Please see: http://www.abouttajweed.com/qalqalah_mechanism.htm and please scroll down to the end of the page. 2,
3. There are four rules for the noon saakinah and tanween, please see the following page of links for the definitions, rules and examples: http://www.abouttajweed.com/the_noon_saakinah_and_tanween.htm |