for your interesting site. This is my question: in the following ayah
in surah Al Qamar
, there is a shaddah on
the letter ta’ ()
- and before there is a dal (
) with a sukoon. How should
this combination bepronounced?
is an idghaam (
), or
merging of the letter into
the letter .As
we learned in the tidbit lessons before, idghaam is the meeting of a
non-voweled letter with a voweled letter so that they become on emphasized
letter of the second kind.The merges
into the completely,
and theacquires
a shaddah.Theis
not pronounced at all, since it has completely merged into the .This
type of idghaam occurs in some letters, but not all, when a saakin letter
meets a voweled letter and they share the same articulation point.This type of idghaam is called:
, or merging
of two similar.