Assalaamu alaikum wa
rahmatullahi wa barakat. May you be in the best state of health and imaan,
I request your advice with regards to the following reference:
[88] Ayah:22 in this ayah on the last word;
, I have told by my Tajweed sheikh that
it is preferable to recite this kalima as Seen rather than Saad, because the
small Seen is on top of the Saad in the kalima.
I have a summarized version of the Tafsir Ibn Kathir, [part 30] Translated by
Habib Badr, Publishers: Dar-us-Salaam; and in this Tafseer the small Seen is
below the Saad, which makes it preferable to be recited as Saad.
I have checked this kalima in the South African [Qur'aan text] and the small
Seen appears above the Saad. In the Uthmani Script [Qur'aan text] there is no
indication of the small Seen either above or below the Saad. Could you please
confirm which is preferable and correct to do.
Jazakhallahu khair. Your help is much appreciated.
May Allah(swt) shower His(swt) blessings upon you and your family and give you
every sucess in this life and the Hereafter, ameen.
Assalaamu alaikum wa rahmatullahi wa barakat
Wa alaikum assalaam wa
rahmatu Allahi wa barakatuh. May Allah reward you greatly for your wonderful
dua' and give you what you asked for us and more.
The word
in aayah 22 of surah Al-Ghaashiyah is a
special word. Hafs 'an 'Aasim has special rules for how this word is
pronounced. The word in question is pronounced with the letter
by Hafs 'an 'Aasim min tareeq ash-Shaatibiyyah.
This is the tareeq that the vast majority of Muslims in the world read, and
most likely the way that you are being taught.
There are in Hafs min
tareeq at-tayyibah ways that read it with a
, but it would be very unlikely that you
are being taught by one of those ways.
In the 10 qira'aat,
only two readers (Hishaam and Khalaf 'an Hamzah) exclusively read this word
with a
. Khallaad 'an Hamzah has two
allowable ways of reading this word, one of these two allowable ways is with
In conclusion, the word
is read exclusively with a
when reciting by the way of Hafs 'an ' Aasim
by the way of Ash-Shatibiyyah.
May Allah make easy for
you the study of the Qur'an and tajweed, and make you "ahl al-Qur'an". Ameen.
Wa iyyakum wa-l-muslimeen.
Wa alaikum assalaam wa
rahmatu Allahi wa barakatuh.