Question Assalamu Aleikum May Allah bless you for your help and kindness in answering the questions. I have a few questions concerning the recitation of the Qur'an in the prayer. 1. During Taraweeh prayers for example, I have noticed that some imams recite the surats in a very fast pace. Is this way of fast recitation going against what Allah said in surat 73 verse 4: "... and recite the Qur'an (aloud) in a slow , (pleasant tone and) style." even though the rules of the tajweed are applied? 2. Would you please give me the meaning of this phrase:"Fath kurűnî ath kurkum alâ bithikri lâhi tatt ma innul qulub" 3. Would you please tell me who was responsible for classifying by order (from Surah 1 to surah 114) the surats of the Qur'an? May Allah help you in finding the answers inshallah. Ma Salam Answer Wa alaikum assalaam wa rahmatu Allahi wa barakatuh, May Allah bless you also. The word,
“tarteel” has many definitions in English, and some hadeeth point to that
part of the meaning is slow, but it is not an exclusive meaning.
The scholars of tajweed have laid down three possible speeds in
recitation and described them thoroughly in the books of tajweed.
These are all considered “tarteel”, as far as proper recitation.
Please see the following link for this information: http://www.abouttajweed.com/281101.htm
The first aayah
The translation
of the explanation of the meaning is: Therefore
remember Me (by praying, glorifying), I will remember you... The second is:
The translation
of the explanation of the meaning is: Verily,
in the remembrance of Allâh do hearts find rest.
The Messenger,
Related by Ahmed and At-Tabaraanee and graded as Saheeh in Saheeh al-Jaam’I As-Sagheer 1/350 hadeeth 107. The 100’s are
those that follow the seven long ones, and are called that because they all
are near or more than 100 aayaat. Al-Mathaanee are those that follow the 100’s and called that because they follow them, they are less than 100 aayaat in these surahs. The long MunfaSSal: From Al-Hujuraat until the end of Al-Mursalaat The medium MunfaSSal: From An-Naba’ until the end of Al-Layl The short MunfaSSal: From Al-Layl until the end of the Qur’an. They were named
al-munfaSSal because of the many separations in them with the basmalah between
the suwar. [Fann At-Tarteel wa
Uloomuh, Ash-Sheikh Ahmed At-Taweel, volume one]. As you can see,
the order of the suwar were established at the time of the Prophet,
Wa assalaam alaikum wa rahmatu Allah. |