Assalaamu alaikum,
Thank you very much for answering my previous questions.
I have noticed that in the Medinan mus-haf there are some signs that I don't
understand fully. They are a small round 'haa' floating above some
letters (eg.
, and
, and
and a small circle floating above an alif (eg. in surah al-insan -
, and
in surah al-kaafiroon
1) What are the rulings for waqf (stop) and wasl (continuation) on such
2) What are the two ways of stopping on "
in sura Al-Insan?
May Allaah reward you for your efforts.
Was salam
Wa alaikum assalaam wa rahmatu Allahi wa
1. You are referring to two different
markings over some letters in the Qur'an.
first one is called,
(the round zero) and it is found in some places over one of the three letters,
alif, wow, and ya’. When any of these letters has the above symbol
over it, the letter is not pronounced in any case;
meaning it does not matter if we are stopping or continuing, we do not
pronounce this letter.
The second marking to
be noted is referred to as
standing oblong zero). This marking is found on some alifaat that are at the
end of a word, and the following word starts with a voweled letter. When we
see this marking, we read the alif when stopping on this word, but eliminate
the alif in pronunciation when continuing reading, joining the word with the
next word, but without the alif. In addition to the examples in the question,
below are some other examples:

2. There
are two ways of stopping on the word
the phrase,
reading Hafs 'an 'Aasim
min tareeq Ash-Shatibiyyah,
one is by reading the alif on the end with a natural lengthening of two vowel
counts, the other way is by dropping the alif and stopping on the letter
with a presented sukoon. The
on the alif here then represents one of the two possible allowed ways of
stopping by Hafs 'an 'Aasim min tareeq Ash-Shaatibiyyah.
May Allah
reward you for your questions.
Wa assalaam
alaikum wa rahmatu Allah.