Comment Assalamualaikum, Thank
you for completing the list of words that start with a Hamzatul Wasl after
waqf, as you have posted on February 2,
2005. The ever perpetuating question
regarding whether the Hamzatul Wasl should take a Kasrah or a Dhammah is not
as intimidating any more. As we can see the number of words in the subject
list is not as many as some of us might expect. The number of words is even
smaller than on the list, because there are several words that appear in more
than one place. My initial instinct was to mark the copy of Qur’an I
frequently use, using the subject list as a guide. And I might still do this,
but I am finding out that memorizing the meaning of these words on this short
list is, after all, not that hard. As a matter of fact, after going over the
meanings of these words just a few times, I have already memorized the
meanings of most of these words. I
can not express the magnitude of help your effort in developing the list has
provided. Now I too, can recite the Qur’an (still have to memorize few more
meanings) with confidence in situations which deals with Hamzatul Wasl. Once
again, thanks and keep up the good work. May Allah give you the reward for
your continued support, and guide all of us to the correct path. (Ameen). Wassalamualaikum. Response Wa alaikum assalaam wa rahmatu Allahi wa barakatuh, Jazaka Allahu khairan, but of course there is great reward insha' Allah, for he who requested the list. There may be still times when a reader stops because of shortness of breath or other reasons, on an word not marked with a stop and may find the best place to start up again is on a word starting with a hamzah al-wasl not on the list since it is not after a marked stop, but insha' Allah, this list is an assistance in general. It
is good to know that the list helped you and gave you the incentive to learn
more of the meanings and we appreciate that you are assisting the other
students of the Qur'an in relating the benefits you have reaped from the
list. May Allah make easy for you the recitation of the Qur'an as it was
revealed to our Messenger, |