Assalaamu alaikum wa rahamtullahi wa barakaatuhu
The word "Al Hady" occurs twice in Al Baqara Ayaah 196.
I remember Dr Ayman mentioning something about a common mistake whilst
reading this word and stopping on it, but can’t recall the full details.
Could you elaborate please?
Jazaakallahu khairan.
Wassalaamu alaikum wa rahmatullahi wa barakaatuhu
Wa alaikum assalaam wa rahmatullahi wa barakatuh.
We are not fully aware of what his eminence Ash-Sheikh
Dr. Ayman, may Allah preserve him, mentioned about the word
, but can speak on
our own account about common mistakes or cautions needed when reading this
The word
, or with
different voweling:
actually occurs three times in the aayah, and needs some care when reading
in continuum to make sure the qalqalah of the
is pronounced with no
kasrah, and then the appropriate vowel put on the letter
When stopping on the word however, extra special care
needs to be taken, and this word is “heavy” to pronounce when stopping on it
such as in the phrase:
(Al-Baqarah 196)
There are two points that need to be taken into
consideration when stopping on this word, the sukoon and qalqalah of the
with no accompanying
jaw or mouth movement and the
following the
The reader then needs to take care to pronounce the qalqalah correctly, with
no kasrah, and then make collision of the middle of the tongue to the roof
of the mouth, ie, the articulation point of the
prolonging the
since there is no lengthening here.
A good way to practice stopping on this word is to say
it up to the
with the qalqalah several times, and then try and add the
saakinah without
changing the sound of the qalqalah on the
The most common mistake then, when stopping on the
is putting a
kasrah on the
prolonging the
that it becomes two vowel counts in length, or one of the two mistakes. Of
course, these mistakes must be corrected by the reader since they change the
vowels on the letters.
Wa iyyaaakum. Wa assalaam alaikum wa rahmatullahi wa