In reading your lesson
about the letters in the beginning of surahs I am wondering about the
- as explained, it
follows the med leen. Why is it not possible to read it 2 counts as
well as 4 and 6? Is there any particular reason for that?
Allahu khair.
iyyakum wa al-muslimeen.
Allah, that is a good question.
Hafs ‘an ‘Aasim by the way of Shatibiyyah, lengthens the letter
the beginning of surah Maryam and Ash-Shoora, four or six counts.
In other ways of Hafs ‘an ‘Aasim, it can also be lengthened two.
Some ways have only two counts for the
some allow all three possible counts allowed (meaning 2, 4, or 6), others have
two and four vowel counts allowed,
and still others
have only four allowed for this separate letter in the beginning of the two
different surahs.