you have any suggestions for a problem in pronouncing the letter wow (
)? The problem
is it is sounding like “V”. Jazakumu Allah khairan
Wa iyaakum.
This is a pretty common
problem with Muslims from the Indo-Pakistan region as well as Turks.
What happens is they are used to pronouncing the
a “V”, and it carries over to the Qur’an recitation, even though when
they are prompted, they can usually fix it immediately.
The problem is in habit, so the habit needs to be broken. The best way for it to be fixed on a permanent level, or so
it only slips occasionally, is by constant reminder from their teacher.
Every time a
present in the recitation and it doesn’t sound completely correct, they
should be told to repeat it with the correct articulation point of circling of
the two lips, with no teeth involved.
student, in the meantime, needs to take notice of every
, usually this problem
shows up when then
a fat-h on it, and make sure he/she open the two lips from a full circle, with
pressure on the lips, not involving the teeth.