Assalaamu alaikum,
A question regarding some optional tas-heels in Hafs 'an 'Aasim. In the word
"aadhakarayn" there are, to my (little) understanding, two ways of saying
this in the tareeq of shaatibiyyah (and tayseer and tadhkirah in fact):
1) Ibdaal of the hamzah wasl, where you do a madd of six counts
2) Tas-heel of the second hamzah (the hamzah wasl)
Now in some other turuq of hafs you can either only do ibdaal, or only
tassheel. My question is what of the words "aal'aana" and "aallaahu" - are
there two ways of saying these as well (i.e. ibdaal/tassheel), and if so do
these two words vary between the turuq of Hafs also? If they do then what
are the rulings in Shaatibiyyah?
Jazaakumullaahu Khairan
Wassalaamu 'alaikum
Wa alaikum assalaam wa
rahmatu Allahi wa barakatuh.
You are correct; there
are two allowable ways of reading all three words that have the questioning
hamzah before a noun starting with the "alif laam ta'reef" in the way of Hafs
'an 'Aasim in the tareeq of Ash-Shaatibiyyah,
. The three words are:
These words are
commonly referred to "bab aath-thakarayn", meaning a way (
reads all the three words in the same manner. In the different ways or "turuq"
of Hafs 'an 'Aasim, there are some that allow both ways of reading all three
of these words, the others only allow ibdaal (
for all three words. There is no way (tareeq) that has only tas-heel (
As said though, each way has the same rule for all three of these words, so if
a tareeq (
) has ibdaal for
it also has it for the other two
words, and if a tareeq (
) allows both the
ibdaal and tas-heel for
, it also
allows both ways for the other two words.
The rule for the tareeq
Ash-Shaatibiyyah (Hafs 'an 'Aasim) then is as stated before; these three words
can be read either with ibdaal or with tas-heel. If you meant the qira'aat,
please inform us, and we will answer that also.
Wa iyyakum wa-l-muslimeen.
Wa alaikum assalaam wa rahmatu Allah.