Assalamu 'alaykum
Thank you for your wonderful website!
I am non-Arab and not yet a Muslim although I intend to take the shahada very
soon. I have made good progress teaching myself principles of tajweed
considering I have no teacher by using your site and a few books on the
subject. I am just learning the rules pertaining to noon saakinah and tanwin.
The rules make sense to me but I am not quite sure about the position of the
tongue during ikhfa'. The sources I have read say to place the tongue in a
position of readiness to articulate the letter following noon while holding
the ghunna for two counts. They warn not to touch the upper part of the mouth
with the tip of the tongue but they don't mention any other part of the
tongue. Does any part of the tongue such as the very back touch the roof of
the mouth? And when they say to place the tongue in a position of readiness,
does this imply that the tongue is placed close to the specific letter it is
about to articulate? If it is, the tip of the tongue would be in a different
position during an ikhfa' with a dhal than in an ikhfa' with a sheen. It seems
that the only way to achieve a ghunna as strong as a normal meem or noon is to
seal off part of the mouth with the tongue. Also, when one pronounces an
ikhfa' a and suddenly seals of his nostrils, should the sound be partly or
totally blocked? Often when I try this experiment, the sound is muffled,
proving that nasalization is occurring, but it is not completely stopped. When
one pronounces ikhfa' or idgham, should any sound at all come through the
mouth or should it somehow be restricted to the nose.
Finally, I have a question pertaining to the formation of the vowels in
Arabic. The rules of tajweed state that the vowels are formed by vocalization
accompanied by the rounding of the lips, the opening of the mouth, and the
dropping of the jaw. The first two make sense to me, but I do not see how
dropping the jaw alone could ever produce the sound of kasrah or madd ya'.
Physically, to produce the "ee" sound at least in English, the jaw
is actually raised, making the space in the mouth very small. In addition, the
middle of the tongue is raised, further decreasing the space and thus creating
the specific "closed" quality of the vowel. Based on the recordings
of Qur'aan reciters I have listened to, the kasrah and ya sounds very similar
to the English equivalent. I do not understand how this sound can be produced
"only" by the vibration of the vocal cords and the "dropping of
the jaw." Another question I have pertaining to vowels is whether the
sound lengthened Waw or dammah is exactly like saying an alif with rounded
lips or if the tongue changes position when the lips are rounded to pronounce
waw. basically, I want to know if when pronouncing alif, the tongue completely
relaxed and how it changes if at all, when pronouncing the other two vowel
One last
thing that I find confusing is what is technically meant by saying that the
vowels are produced from an approximate area of the throat while the
corresponding consonants waw and ya are from specific places in the mouth.
I truly appreciate your patience and help,
wa salaam
Wa alaikum
You are most
We are quite
amazed how much tajweed you understand and the details in your questions, and
pray that you will soon take the shahadah so you can apply your knowledge of
tajweed in your worship.
In the ikhfa’
of the
saakinah, the tongue should not
touch any part of the mouth, including the back part.
If the tongue were to touch the posterior portion of the mouth, or
close it off, the sound would be very similar to the
The ghunnah sound, or nasalization, does not require the posterior
portion of the mouth to be close off for it to be emitted.
You are quite correct about the position of the tongue changing
depending on the letter following the
saakinah, and this affects the sound too
so that the
different than the
The sound
during the
approximately 75 % part ghunnah and 25% part letter, though this percentage
varies slightly depending on the letter after the
If it were 100% ghunnah then the sound would be completely cut off when
closing off the nostrils. During
the idghaam with ghunnah, the sound should be 50% of the letter and 50%
The sound of
the long
produced by lowering of the jaw, not dropping of the jaw.
The two terms may sound similar, but they are quite different.
When one says a long
is a retraction of the jaw, and that is what the term “lowering” refers
to, not a physical drop in the jaw, but a retraction movement, such as in the
English "E".
If you let your
vocal cords vibrate by making a simple sound like the “aaaa” sound said
when a doctor looks in your throat, and keeping that sound change the position
of your mouth, opening the mouth horizontally, then rounding lips, and then
lowering of the jaw, it should demonstrate the principle of the vibration of
the vocal chords and the accompany mouth and jaw movements for each of three
letters, the alif, the lengthened
the lengthened
. The
only thing that has changed is the mouth and jaw position for each of the
sounds, the sound produced by the vocal chords vibrating remains the same. The
sound is produced by the non-specific area in the throat and mouth and
accompanying it is a specific jaw or mouth movement.
That is the meaning of an approximate area; you can not
specifically identify the place the sounds location.
The voweled
produced specifically from the two lips and the voweled
produced specifically from the middle of the tongue.
You are very
welcome, and we ask Allah to guide you to the shahadah soon and grant you
useful knowledge as a Muslim, including knowledge of the Qur'an and its
Wa assalaam