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Question Assalamu Alaikum. I wish to know if there is any hadith regarding the handling or reciting of the Qur'an in an impure physical state e.g.. women during her period. I would appreciate, if you could state the hadith. Please note that it is of great importance that you state clearly in which hadith book and hadith number it can be found as regarding this matter. I need these details to clarify some misunderstanding with a Muslim sister. Thank-you. Wassalam Answer Wa alaikum assalaam wa
rahmatu Allahi wa barakatuh. This is a fiqh subject in which there is difference of opinions among the scholars. We appreciate that you want a daleel, and this is very important when dealing with matters of fiqh. It is also important that we do not let differences of scholarly opinion divide the Muslim community. The area of fiqh is out of our expertise, so we are not qualified to answer it. This subject is covered on www.islam-qa.com Question #2564. There is a scholar who answers fiqh questions on this site. Wa
assalaam alaikum. |