Question Assalamou
Aleikum I
would like to thank you for answering my questions about Surah 9 and the use
of Bismillah. May the Almighty Allah reward each and everyone of you. I
have other little questions I would like to ask again. I've
read, while searching for some information regarding the difference between
"Tajweed" and "Tarteel", that Tajweed is the "slow
recitation" while Tarteel is "fast recitation" (but still
respecting the rules of reading). 1.
If that assertion is erroneous, would you please tell me the difference
between Tajweed and Tarteel? 2.
What is the definition of those styles : "Mujawwad" and "Murattal"? 3.
There are several places in the Qu'ran that require a prostration (example 4.
I was listening to the late Qari Mustafa Ismail reciting verses13 to 18 of He
recited verse 13 three times and on the third time, he used a style of reading
that confused me a lot. For example: verse 13 when Allah says: ".... innâ
khalaq nâ kum..." Sheikh Ismail read that way: "..innâ khalaq nâ KUMU..."
and this is one example. I
would like to know the name of this style of reading. May
Allah help you in finding the answers inshallah. Please,
take all the time that you need. Thank
you very much for giving the opportunity to millions of Muslims to view your
wonderful site and to ask questions Ma
Salam Wa
alaikum assalaam wa rahamatu Allahi wa barakatuh. 1.
Tajweed, or the study of how to recite the Qur’an with proper articulation
point, rules, and stops and starts, and tarteel are one and the same.
Reciting with tajweed means reciting with the tajweed rules.
Reciting with tarteel means reciting as the Prophet,
The recording on the site indicated in the question has quite a bit of
background noise and we found it difficult to hear the recitation well.
After we used headphones we were able to hear a little clearer.
The marker next to the recitation indicates that he was reciting Hafs
and As-Soosiyy The
third recitation is that of Al-Bazzee (
Allahu khairan for the dua’ and the comments.
May Allah reward you with all khair and make you of the people of the
Qur’an. Ameen. Wa
assalaam alaikum wa rahmatu Allah. |