you please explain a sign that appears in the Qur'an in surah Yusuf; I
cannot find an explanation for it in the Qur'an when I look at the explanation
for the different stops etc...It is a small diamond shape above the meem in
the 6th or 7th word in this aayah from surah Yusuf.

translation of the meaning being: ((They said: "O our father! Why do you
not trust us with Yûsuf (Joseph), - when we are indeed to him sincere
Allah reward you.
May Allah reward you and all Muslims with goodness.
The little diamond is used to indicate that this word is read a special
way. In this aayah the word:
read two ways, by Hafs ‘an
Aasim by the way of Shatabiyyah, both ways are acceptable ways of reading.
with the shaddah on it is
read either with
(ishmaam), meaning the two lips
are in a dhammah while saying the noon saakinah and holding it for the period
of time that the longest form of ghunnah receives.
There is no sound accompanying this circling and protruding of the lips
(the dhammah), it something only those looking at the reciter perceive.
other way of reading this is by making a quick dhammah equal to only ¾ of a
normal vowel count on the first
the two
in the shaddah, and read the
other as a normal fat-h.
reason for this is that the word is from
with both of the
vowels. The two
merged into one and therefore the resultant shaddah on the
A merging of this type (both letters being voweled) is not at all
common in the reading of Hafs. The Prophet
this word three known different ways, but the chain of Hafs ‘an ‘Aasim by
the way of Shatabiyyah has only two of these ways, as described above: either
a dhammah of the two lips with no sound on the first
of the shaddah and the
with a fat-h; or the first
recited with a short dhammah ¾ the count of a regular vowel count and the
second recited with a fat-h. And
Allah knows best.