Question Assalamu alaykum Jazakallahu khayran for your wonderful site. In the section on hamza wasl (part 3) you mention 5 words (in six ayaat) where hamza has a kasra if starting on them due to the presented dhammah. I understand this rule, but why is 'ittaqu' (to fear) different to the above 5 verbs. It also has a kasra for amr but is not included in your examples - is it because of the shaddah or is it not a presented dhammah or some other rule. wa salaam Answer Wa alaikum assalaam wa rahmatu Allahi wa barakatuh. Wa iyyakum and jazakum Allahu khairan. You made a good
analysis, masha’ Allah. The
shaddah is always representative of two letters, so when we are determining
the third letter of a verb beginning with the hamzah al-wasl, a shaddah is
counted as two letters. In the
Wa assalaam alaikum wa rahmatu Allah. |