Question I
have a question concerning the stop (waqf) represented by the letter sawd.
When I encounter this symbol I generally take a breath and move on,
however my teacher says that I have to go back one or two words and then
continue. When I listen to the recitors they just stop and keep reciting
without going back. What should I do? Answer First of all, we want to apologize for the delay in answering this question. There appears to have been a problem in the email forwarding process, and the question was just found today. There
are many different marking for stops in the Glorious Qur’an, most of them
indicate that a stop may be made at the word below the mark.
If the little letter or word above the word is:
the mark above the word is a small
Medinah copy of the Qur’an has the most accurate stop markings which were
put in by some of the top scholars of the Qur’an.
If you do not use a Medinah copy of the Qur’an, we highly recommend
that you switch to it. |