That Which is Needed to be Observed for Hafs ‘an ‘Aasim by the way of Ash-Shaatibiyyah in Some of the Qur’anic Words Part 3We conclude the last section of the tajweed tidbits, the words that are special to Hafs ‘An ‘Aasim by the way of Shatibiyyah. The first two parts are located in the tidbit archives. We continue with words that were not covered in the previous tidbit lessons.
2. Hafs reads with imaalah,
the alif after the
3. The word
We must read either all three of them with a fat-h or all three of them with a dhammah when reciting the ayaah.
4. The second hamzah
in the word
With this lesson, by
Allah's Will and Mercy, the tajweed lessons for Hafs 'An 'Aasim by the way of
Insha' Allah, we will
be working on the site and soon start lessons on the ten qira'aat, or ways of
recitation, seven by the way of Ash-Shatibiyyah, three by the way of Ad-Durrah,
that are with us in this present day mutawaatir by authentic chains of
transmission to the Messenger of Allah, |