Accent (Part two)
third circumstance of the
occurs when changing over from a medd letter to the first letter of a
shaddah. The saakin letter
occurs with
and the mouth was busy
emitting the lengthened letter, so then it is necessary at the change over
from the medd to the saakin letter that occurs after it,
we put an accent (
) in our recital to
facilitate this change over. This
allows us to comply with reciting the saakin letter with
(with collision) that
leaves an acoustical mark. The
saakin letter then makes its presence known quite clearly.
If the
is weak the letter is then pronounced with a weak sound to such a degree
that it may not even be heard. This is often heard from some people when
they recite
with one
with a kasrah on it instead of the two written
, the first
saakinah, the
second with a vowel; this mistake of pronouncing only one
due to not making the
Other examples of this the third circumstance of the
here to listen to this word with the
here to listen to this word with the 
all these cases there is a medd letter followed by a shaddah, and we need
to make an accent, or raise our voices slightly at the end of the medd, to
make sure we pronounce both parts of the shaddah, the saakin letter and
voweled letter.
The Fourth
circumstance of
recitation of the Glorious Qur’an
occurs when stopping on a word that has a hamzah as the last letter
preceded by a medd letter or leen letter.
The reason for
here is so that the hamzah is not lost after the
mouth was busy emitting the medd or leen letter.
Remember, we do not stop on the hamzah with a sukoon when there is
a tanween with a fathah on the hamzah when it is the last letter of the
word; instead we stop with a
, so there
would be no

Fifth circumstance of
recitation of the Glorious Qur’an
circumstance encompasses three different words in three specific locations
in the Qur’an, when these words are read in continuation with the
following word. These three
words are all past tense verbs in the double form of the verb (which is an
alif) followed by a sukoon. The
needed in these three places so the meaning of the verse is not confused.
is an indication that
there is an alif indicating a double present, but it was dropped in
pronunciation due to the Arabic rule forbidding two saakin juxtaposed
letters to be recited together. Without
, the listener may
think the verb is male singular instead of male double.
used only when reciting these words in continuum with the next word, when
stopping on the verbs the alif indicating a double is then pronounced
because there is no longer the meeting of two saakin letters and there is
no need for the
since the reason for it has disappeared.