The Stop
Good Stop 
Its Definition:
It is the stop on a Qur'anic word, complete in its meaning, but is attached to
what follows it grammatically and in meaning.
It could be
attached grammatically such as stopping on something that has a subsequent
adjective, before the adjective. It could be stopping on a conjunctive
sentence, without the conjunction and its following phrase. Another
possibility is stopping on an exceptional statement, without the exception.
be found at the end of verses, or in the middle of verses, just as the other
Reason for its name:
It is called "hasan" or good due to the fact that
stopping on it leads to understanding of a meaning.
rule: it is allowed to stop on it, but not allowed to start on what
follows it due to its attachment to what follows grammatically and in meaning,
except on the end of an aayah. . Stopping on the end of an aayah is
Examples of


We can stop on the
in the
phrase: In the name of Allah, the Entirely Merciful, as the meaning in itself
is fully understood, but we can not start with what comes next: The Especially
Merciful, as it is related in grammar and in meaning to that which precedes
it, and by itself does not carry a complete meaning.

Allah's words can be translated in meaning as: Allah has
set a seal upon their hearts and upon their hearing. If we stop on the
hearts), the meaning is understood and it is allowed to stop. The next
phrase, (and upon their hearing) is not understood alone, and is
connected to that which came before it in grammar (most specifically in the
, (meaning
set a seal)and in meaning.
In this part of aayah five of surah Al-Bayyinah,
we can stop on the word
with the interpretation of the meaning in English: And they were not
commanded except to worship Allah, [being] sincere to Him in religion,
inclining to truth, and there is an understood meaning, but the next
phrase: and to establish prayer and to give zakah, is connected
grammatically and in meaning to the phrase at the beginning of the aayah:
And they were not commanded except; so we cannot start on this phrase
without joining it to the previous words.
As stated in the rule for this stop, it is
allowed to stop on it, but not allowed to start with what follows this stop;
there are times when what starts after this stop changes the complete meaning
and is one of the worst degrees of repulsiveness. An example of this is found
in verse 1 of surah al-Mumtahinah

An interpretation of the meaning in English
is: O you have believed, do not take My enemies and your enemies as allies,
extending to them affection while they have disbelieved in what came to you of
the truth, having driven out the Prophet and yourselves because you believe in
Allah, your Lord.
A reader stopping on
would be stopping on a
but starting with what follows
a repulsive start . The meaning would then be that of a warning, stating be
careful not to believe in Allah, because
mean a warning, instead of the intended meaning of "they turn out the
Messenger and yourselves". In the intended meaning
means "and
yourselves". Obviously this is a very bad start indeed.
A note: Some scholars may consider a particular stop
, while others
consider the same stop
and still others
This difference of opinion stems from variances in conclusions as to the
make-up of the grammatical sentence.