The Mudood (Lengthenings) Part 5The
Required Attached Medd
It occurs when a hamzah follows a medd letter in the same word.
It is called Its rule: It is lengthened four or five vowel counts. When
the hamzah that follows the medd letter is the last letter of the word, and
the reader is stopping on the word (meaning the hamzah now has a presented
sukoon), the lengthening can be four or five counts, as mentioned, or six
counts. The reader who lengthens this medd six counts when stopping
on the hamzah is stopping on Examples
of :
this above example, there is an alif, preceded by a fat-h, which all true
alifs are, then followed immediately by a hamzah in the same word.
this example, there are two required attached lengthenings in both the last
two words. First, there is a Examples
with the hamzah as the last letter of the word
these words, again there is a medd letter, in the first example the medd
letter is an alif, in the second a
Note: There
are some copies of the Qur’an that do not write in hamzahs on alifs, instead
the alif is written with a vowel over it.
These are really hamzahs. Any
time there is a vowel on an alif, it is a hamzah.
An example of this kind of script is: