Words written separately and joined
(Part five)
We continue explaining the words
that are written joined or separated in the Glorious Qur'an. It is
necessary to learn and apply in recitation
the words that are separated in writing and those that are joined in writing
when reciting, so that the reader knows how to stop on the separated word in
the correct place, and on the joined word in the correct manner.

There are two places in the Glorious Qur’an
where these two words are written

There are three places in the Qur’an
where these two words are written in some copies of the Qur’an
and in some copies

These two words are written
in all other places in the Qur’an. Imam
Ibn Al-Jazaree said:

There is one place in the Holy Qur’an
where these two words are written
and they are written
throughout the rest of
the Qur’an.

Sheikh Al-Jazaree said:

These two words are written
agreement in two places in the Qur’an, and they are written
agreement in all other places. The closest command is that of
or join, so we know
that Imam Al-Jazaree is referring to joining these two words.

Imam Ibn Al-Jazaree said:

The copies of the Qur’an are in
agreement that these two words are written
four different places in the Qur’an, and written
in all other places. Again, the closest command form of a verb is
so we are still on the subject of joining in the Jazariyyah.

Imam Ibn Al-Jazaree said the following
about these two words in his poem on tajweed known as,