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’Assalāmu ‘alaikum wa rahmatul-Lāhi wa barakātuh,

What is the correct timing of maddam-mā of the leen letter in for example 2 : 2: raiba:

A. so that the total word is 2 vowel counts and a bit; (wherein a bit is less than one vowel count) or

B. so that the total word is 3 vowel counts and a bit?

Jazākal-Lāhu khairā.

Salāmun ‘alaikum wa ramatul-Lāhi wa barakātuh.



Wa alaikum assalaam wa rahmatullahi wa barakatuh. 

The leen letter, a  saakinah preceded by a  or a  saakinah preceded by a , when there is no sukoon on the letter following it in the same word, or no letter following it, is read with , or somewhat lengthened sound.  An example would be the word in the question, only when continuing, not when stopping:.  The and the have one vowel count each and the is a " leen" letter, since it is saakinah preceded by a

The sound of the leen letter is longer than one vowel count, but shorter than two vowel counts.  The answer B then would be correct. 

Wa iyyaakum.  Wa alaikum assalaam wa rahmatullahi wa barakatuh.